Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Mike VK2KBC - Silent Key - 2nd Nov 2016

 we were recently talking about going to Forster sometime, as last time I was last up there was probably on a houseboat on Myall Lakes, which triggered my memory, what ever happened to Mike VK2KBC, as last time I worked him on 2metres, was when I was up Forster. 

I used to speak to Mike a lot when I was on-the-road  for work, Mike was very active mobile in Sydney, always  willing to say hello to anyone calling,  (along with Chuck VK2SS) until Mike retired up to Myall Lakes, I cant remember when he went, but it was many years ago now.. 

I just did a search, found out Mike became silent key on 2nd November, 2016. Almost 8 years ago.

vale Mike VK2KBC (sk).

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