The Rules are posted at:
Since the untimely passing of Mike Subocz VK3AVV in January 2022, developer of the popular VKCL contest logger, who also wrote a log-checker, we've lost the facility to properly prepare results while awaiting probate on his estate.
As everyone is aware, we have been working on catching up with manually preparing results of the 2022 contests and this year’s Summer event, last January.
A number of people have made valiant efforts over recent months to find or to write suitable log-checking software to suit these unique contests that have been developed by the stakeholders over time.
It’s proven to be a herculean task and I am truly grateful to those volunteers who have taken it on. Let them rest for the moment – or so – and I urge you just get out there, enjoy the outdoors, or the indoors at home, and have fun.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not yet up to the task.
Best wishes to all for the contest.
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH
Manager, WIA VHF/UHF Field Days
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