Friday, October 7, 2022

RFI/EMI from solar panel inverters

 Well, it had to happen, the increase of people  installing f%$#ing solar panels on their roof, because they "think" they are saving the world, has wiped out my HF reception. There are a couple  houses across road from me, but I haven't had an issue with them, even the Tesla driver with his whole roof covered. But a couple weeks ago I noticed noise level on 40m jumped to s6 and pretty consistent each day, it can seen on the spectrum display on my HF, it is inverter noise,  

I spent a day turning off and unplugging everything in the my house to see if I was the source, nope. Got up on roof, spotted a house  diagonally over back fence with a brand new set of f#$%ing solar panels, they weren't there, when I last up on the roof a few months back. Here's hoping the inverter isolation safety switch malfunctions and burns their house down.

Now I understand why the big push from ACMA to introduce a Class license system for Amateur Radio operators, the ACMA knows what is going to happen, lots of RFI/EMI complaints from faulty or cheap solar panel installations, once we are a Class license, then we can't complain about interference, it becomes  "your problem, you deal with it!"

Another problem the Greens have inflicted on society. Having done work for govt corruption bodies, I know what the Greens do and how they operate. It's a shame nobody will take steps to shut them down and put them in prison for their criminal activity. I can assure you The Greens are not the smiley faced do-gooders they make themselves out to be.

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