We have had some enhanced propagation the last few days since 25th December, on Xmas night, we could see sea-fog rolling in from ocean, from nth east after a warm day, I checked repeaters near midnight, noting Mt.Bindo VK2RDX which is normally s-1 at my house was now 60/9, so I checked around other rptrs, 6675 from sth coast was 60/9, I could key 146.900 but no ident, it could be either VK2RKG in Bathurst or the Newcastle rptr. At 4.30am on 26th December I had briefly got up and noticed it was solid fog outside, visibility 150metres in all directions, the two streetlights I could see looked like cones of light. by 9am the sun starting to burn off the fog, still Bindo was 10/9.
27th December, the sea fog starting again after dark, by near midnight I could key rptrs, Bindo VK2RDX again at 60/9, found VK2RAB 146.825 Mt. Crawney s-5, VKRTM 146.750 Tamworth s1, and 146.900 was able to be keyed, but no ident, possibly VK2RKG in Bathurst. Checked 6metre rptrs, still the same.